Monday 22 January 2018

Waste management


Environmental Advantages

Waste disposal has developed into an industry larger than just removing waste. Organic waste is separated from inorganic and non-recyclable waste. This allows cities to use organic waste to mulch or create compost for public areas. Some cities even package and sell the compost to generate further revenues. The items that can be recycled are re-processed, and the materials are used to create new products. This method reduces the further consumption of natural resources and lowers the ultimate waste disposal needs.

Health Benefits

It was once a common practice to burn waste either in your own backyard or at a landfill. According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, when household garbage and plastics are burned, they release particulate matter which are solid compounds suspended in air. Being exposed to particulate matter increases heart disease, asthma, emphysema and respiratory disease incident rates. Waste disposal relocates waste to an area where it can be safely left, incinerated or otherwise disposed of. Removing waste from public areas reduces overall health risks, decreases pest infestation in urban areas and lowers exposures to bio hazards.

Waste Energy

Waste energy is a by-product of some methods of waste incineration. While incineration can release large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, there have been modern advances that capture the energy produced in incineration and use it to generate electricity. The result is a complex method of re-using items to lower the need of future waste. While this is still being done on a small scale by industrial factories, it is a start and huge advantage of proper waste disposal.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Hybrid Cars

green car

Hybrid cars are becoming more popular and more common. Basically, a hybrid car is one that uses two or more engines i.e. an electric motor and a conventional engine (either petrol or diesel). The electric engine powers the car at lower speeds and gas engine powers it at higher speeds. A hybrid car like Toyota Prius and Civic Hybrid not only conserves fuel but also produce less CO2 emissions. Though hybrid vehicles are now growing in popularity but still few people are actually using it mainly due to lack of knowledge of how hybrid vehicles work and whether they’re as good as other  gasoline powered vehicles.

Advantages of a Hybrid Car

Here are few of the top advantages of having a hybrid car :-
1. Environmentally Friendly: One of the biggest advantage of hybrid car over gasoline powered car is that it runs cleaner and has better gas mileage which makes it environmentally friendly. A hybrid vehicle runs on twin powered engine (gasoline engine and electric motor) that cuts fuel consumption and conserves energy.
2. Financial Benefits: Hybrid cars are supported by many credits and incentives that help to make them affordable. Lower annual tax bills and exemption from congestion charges comes in the form of less amount of money spent on the fuel.
3. Less Dependance on Fossil Fuels: A Hybrid car is much cleaner and requires less fuel to run which means less emissions and less dependance on fossil fuels. This in turn also helps to reduce the price of gasoline in domestic market.
4. Regenerative Braking System: Each time you apply brake while driving a hybrid vehicle helps you to recharge your battery a little. An internal mechanism kicks in that captures the energy released and uses it to charge the battery which in turn eliminates the amount of time and need for stopping to recharge the battery periodically.
5. Built From Light Materials: Hybrid vehicles are made up of lighter materials which means less energy is required to run. The engine is also smaller and lighter which also saves much energy.
6. Higher Resale Value: With continuous increase in price of gasoline, more and more people are turning towards hybrid cars. The result is that these green vehicles have started commanding higher than average resale values. So, in case you are not satisfied with your vehicle, you can always sell it at a premium price to buyers looking for it.
There are many advantages to owning a hybrid car. The one you will like the best is how it helps you to control your budget as gas prices continue to get higher. The other benefit that is not seen directly is how owning and driving a hybrid car impacts the environment. It reduces the dependence on fossil fuels and lowers your carbon imprint on the environment.

Friday 12 January 2018

Plant trees to save future

Why are trees important?the first question that clicks in the mind,i will try to answer this simple yet extremely important question.
Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter.

Trees strengthen communities

Trees strengthen the distinctive character of a place and encourage local pride. Urban woodland can be used as an educational resource and to bring groups together for activities like walking and bird-watching. Trees are also invaluable for children to play in and discover their sense of adventure.

Trees grow the economy

People are attracted to live, work and invest in green surroundings. Research shows that average house prices are 5-18% higher when properties are close to mature trees. Companies benefit from a healthier, happier workforce if there are parks and trees nearby.

Trees protect the future

Soon, for the first time in history, the number of people with homes in cities will outstrip those living in the countryside. Parks and trees will become an even more vital component of urban life. We must respect them and protect them for the future
Green Leaf Trees on Forest